Under construction - battery storage

Feeder Road battery storage

Project location

The project will be located on Feeder Road, in central Bristol. The site is only a 40 minute walk from Thrive’s office and is the second project in our home city.

This site had originally been proposed for a diesel-fuelled Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) plant. However, due to its use of polluting fossil fuels, the local community successfully fought against the plan resulting in developers proposing a battery storage project as an alternative. Thanks to extensive engagement, this project has community support.

Project summary

Feeder Road will be a 20MW battery storage project, storing electricity when energy is abundant and exceeding demand, exporting it back to the grid during peak usage times when carbon intensity on the grid is traditionally highest. The project can provide one to two hours of electricity, or 20-40MWh, to the National Grid or the local distribution network.

Feeder Road can also provide frequency response services to the National Grid. Traditionally these services have been provided by fossil fuel generators. But as the UK moves towards net zero, sustainable methods of providing these services, such as battery storage, must be used.

The project is currently in the final stages of commissioning. 

Key stats

Site capacity 20MW
Operational since In development

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