Company Secretary

The Secretary is responsible for advising the Board via the Chairman on all governance matters.

Advisers - the Company Secretary

The Directors must take all reasonable steps to secure that the Secretary (or each joint secretary) of the company is a person who has the requisite knowledge and experience to discharge the functions of secretary of the company and has one or more of the qualifications specified in the Companies Act 2006.

Under the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary’s responsibilities include ensuring good information flows within the board and its committees and between senior management and non-executive directors, as well as facilitating inductions and assisting with professional development as required.

The Secretary is responsible for advising the Board through the Chairman on all governance matters. All Directors will have access to the advice and services of the Secretary, who is responsible to the Board for ensuring that Board procedures are complied with.

Thrive’s Company Secretary is Katrina Cross, who is also a Director of the Company.