Show the love: how we’re working for the future we want

  • Posted: 12 Feb 2021

Show The Love, a campaign run by The Climate Coalition, is an opportunity to reflect on why we choose to take action on climate change and all that we want to protect.

Our mission is to power the UK’s transition to a clean energy future, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ultimately avoid dangerous climate change.  We asked our team what they want to protect and how this motivates them in their daily work life. This is what they said:

“I want our Earth to be protected for future generations and help everyone – especially children – understand the impact of their choices. During the coronavirus lockdown and school closures my daughter and I built a small model turbine which uses wind alone to power an LED light. We spoke about why it’s sustainable, unlike fossil fuels, and how it’s scaled up into the wind farms Thrive operate. Thrive does lots of work with schools, colleges, and communities close to our projects, encouraging young people to consider and understand the environmental benefits, engineering challenges and career opportunities of renewable energy in our evolving society. We’re helping them make the right choices and improving their future.” Adrian Warman, Head of Operations

“Our planet is incredible, but our time on it is limited if we don’t take responsibility for how our activities are impacting it. Given a moment to reflect, we all want to do the right thing. However, the problem can seem too big, and the solutions out of reach. Thrive is special to me, as it harnesses the positivity of thousands of individuals, empowering all of us to take direct action against climate change and together move in right direction. Thrive provides me with the opportunity to grow my consciousness, and to bring it to work. I want to deliver a positive legacy.” Matthew Clayton, Managing Director

“I want to protect the ocean from climate change and all the amazing animals that live within it. I love working for Thrive because I feel like part of the solution. We’re a small team committed to using our skills and resources to tackle global climate change in practical and proven ways. It’s invigorating to work with people who are as passionate as I am about driving positive change and using business to make the world a better place.” Bryony Carter, Communications Executive

“I have been working with Thrive for over 13 years and it is great to be recognised as a certified B Corp. I enjoy playing a key role in making clean energy projects happen that deliver real impact. It is a fantastic feeling when the power of our community and the team come together to create real change.” Monika Paplaczyk, Investment Director

“When my children ask me in the future what I did about the existential threat of climate change, I want to be able to look them in the eye and say ‘I did my best’. I believe if people, governments and businesses work together, we can protect this rich, diverse, abundant place we call home so all life can thrive.” Louise Daniels, Head of Communications